Surging Sparks

Terawatts of electricity crash down from the sky in a tropical paradise, setting the stage for the supercharged Pikachu ex! With the power of a Stellar Tera Pokémon ex, it lights up the shoreline, revealing a parade of dragon Pokémon led by the towering
Cards 250 +2 Secret
Released Nov 8th 2024

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Exeggcute
#2 - Exeggcute
#3 - Exeggutor
#4 - Durant ex
#5 - Scatterbug
#6 - Spewpa
#7 - Vivillon
#8 - Morelull
#9 - Shiinotic
#10 - Dhelmise
#11 - Zarude
#12 - Capsakid
#13 - Rellor
#14 - Rabsca
#15 - Wo-Chien
#16 - Vulpix
#17 - Ninetales
#18 - Paldean Tauros
#19 - Ho-Oh
#20 - Castform Sunny Form
#21 - Victini
#22 - Pansear
#23 - Simisear
#24 - Larvesta
#25 - Volcarona
#26 - Oricorio
#27 - Sizzlipede
#28 - Centiskorch
#29 - Fuecoco
#30 - Crocalor
#31 - Skeledirge
#32 - Charcadet
#33 - Charcadet
#34 - Armarouge
#35 - Ceruledge
#36 - Ceruledge ex
#37 - Scovillain ex
#38 - Gouging Fire
#39 - Paldean Tauros
#40 - Mantine
#41 - Feebas
#42 - Milotic ex
#43 - Spheal
#44 - Sealeo
#45 - Walrein
#46 - Shellos
#47 - Cryogonal
#48 - Black Kyurem ex
#49 - Bruxish
#50 - Quaxly
#51 - Quaxwell
#52 - Quaquaval
#53 - Cetoddle
#54 - Cetitan
#55 - Iron Bundle
#56 - Chien-Pao
#57 - Pikachu ex
#58 - Magnemite
#59 - Magneton
#60 - Magnezone
#61 - Rotom
#62 - Blitzle
#63 - Zebstrika
#64 - Stunfisk
#65 - Tapu Koko
#66 - Wattrel
#67 - Kilowattrel
#68 - Kilowattrel ex
#69 - Miraidon
#70 - Togepi
#71 - Togetic
#72 - Togekiss
#73 - Marill
#74 - Azumarill
#75 - Smoochum
#76 - Latias ex
#77 - Latios
#78 - Uxie
#79 - Mesprit
#80 - Azelf
#81 - Sigilyph
#82 - Yamask
#83 - Cofagrigus
#84 - Espurr
#85 - Meowstic
#86 - Sylveon ex
#87 - Dedenne
#88 - Xerneas
#89 - Oricorio
#90 - Sandygast
#91 - Palossand ex
#92 - Tapu Lele
#93 - Indeedee
#94 - Flittle
#95 - Espathra
#96 - Flutter Mane
#97 - Gimmighoul
#98 - Mankey
#99 - Primeape
#100 - Annihilape
#101 - Paldean Tauros
#102 - Phanpy
#103 - Donphan
#104 - Trapinch
#105 - Vibrava
#106 - Flygon ex
#107 - Gastrodon
#108 - Drilbur
#109 - Excadrill
#110 - Landorus
#111 - Passimian
#112 - Clobbopus
#113 - Grapploct
#114 - Glimmet
#115 - Glimmora
#116 - Koraidon
#117 - Deino
#118 - Zweilous
#119 - Hydreigon ex
#120 - Shroodle
#121 - Grafaiai
#122 - Alolan Diglett
#123 - Alolan Dugtrio
#124 - Skarmory
#125 - Registeel
#126 - Bronzor
#127 - Bronzong
#128 - Klefki
#129 - Duraludon
#130 - Archaludon ex
#131 - Gholdengo
#132 - Iron Crown
#133 - Alolan Exeggutor ex
#134 - Altaria
#135 - Dialga
#136 - Palkia
#137 - Turtonator
#138 - Applin
#139 - Flapple
#140 - Appletun
#141 - Eternatus
#142 - Tatsugiri ex
#143 - Eevee
#144 - Snorlax
#145 - Slakoth
#146 - Vigoroth
#147 - Slaking ex
#148 - Swablu
#149 - Zangoose
#150 - Kecleon
#151 - Bouffalant
#152 - Rufflet
#153 - Braviary
#154 - Helioptile
#155 - Heliolisk
#156 - Oranguru
#157 - Tandemaus
#158 - Maushold
#159 - Cyclizar ex
#160 - Flamigo ex
#161 - Terapagos
#162 - Amulet of Hope
#163 - Babiri Berry
#164 - Brilliant Blender
#165 - Call Bell
#166 - Chill Teaser Toy
#167 - Clemont's Quick Wit
#168 - Colbur Berry
#169 - Counter Gain
#170 - Cyrano
#171 - Deduction Kit
#172 - Dragon Elixir
#173 - Drasna
#174 - Drayton
#175 - Dusk Ball
#176 - Energy Search Pro
#177 - Gravity Mountain
#178 - Jasmine's Gaze
#179 - Lisia's Appeal
#180 - Lively Stadium
#181 - Meddling Memo
#182 - Megaton Blower
#183 - Miracle Headset
#184 - Passho Berry
#185 - Precious Trolley
#186 - Scramble Switch
#187 - Surfer
#188 - Technical Machine: Fluorite
#189 - Tera Orb
#190 - Tyme
#191 - Enriching Energy
#192 - Exeggcute
#193 - Vivillon
#194 - Shiinotic
#195 - Castform Sunny Form
#196 - Larvesta
#197 - Ceruledge
#198 - Feebas
#199 - Spheal
#200 - Bruxish
#201 - Cetitan
#202 - Stunfisk
#203 - Latios
#204 - Mesprit
#205 - Phanpy
#206 - Vibrava
#207 - Clobbopus
#208 - Alolan Dugtrio
#209 - Skarmory
#210 - Flapple
#211 - Appletun
#212 - Slakoth
#213 - Kecleon
#214 - Braviary
#215 - Durant ex
#216 - Scovillain ex
#217 - Milotic ex
#218 - Black Kyurem ex
#219 - Pikachu ex
#220 - Latias ex
#221 - Palossand ex
#222 - Flygon ex
#223 - Hydreigon ex
#224 - Archaludon ex
#225 - Alolan Exeggutor ex
#226 - Tatsugiri ex
#227 - Slaking ex
#228 - Cyclizar ex
#229 - Clemont's Quick Wit
#230 - Cyrano
#231 - Drasna
#232 - Drayton
#233 - Jasmine's Gaze
#234 - Lisia's Appeal
#235 - Surfer
#236 - Durant ex
#237 - Milotic ex
#238 - Pikachu ex
#239 - Latias ex
#240 - Hydreigon ex
#241 - Archaludon ex
#242 - Alolan Exeggutor ex
#243 - Clemont's Quick Wit
#244 - Drayton
#245 - Jasmine's Gaze
#246 - Lisia's Appeal
#247 - Pikachu ex
#248 - Alolan Exeggutor ex
#249 - Counter Gain
#250 - Gravity Mountain
#251 - Night Stretcher
#252 - Jet Energy

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