Legendary Holo Collection

Talk about special, it's a a shiny collection of various legendary pokemon from ages past! 15 packs per box, and each pack had a holo or Pikachu EX
Cards 27
Released Jul 18th 2015

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Chespin
#2 - Reshiram
#3 - Fennekin
#4 - Braixen
#5 - Palkia
#6 - Froakie
#7 - Frogadier
#8 - Pikachu EX
#9 - Zekrom
#10 - Dedenne
#11 - Wobbuffet
#12 - Hoopa EX
#13 - Hippopotas
#14 - Pancham
#15 - Hawlucha
#16 - Inkay
#17 - Dialga
#18 - Latias
#19 - Latios
#20 - Black Kyurem
#21 - White Kyurem
#22 - Meowth
#23 - Regigigas
#24 - Arceus
#25 - Rufflet
#26 - Braviary
#27 - Noibat

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