Hot Air Arena

Cards 63 +11 Secret
Released Mar 14th 2025

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Ethan's Pinsir
#2 - Yanma
#3 - Yanmega ex
#4 - Cynthia's Roselia
#5 - Cynthia's Roserade
#6 - Shaymin
#7 - Dwebble
#8 - Crustle
#9 - Applin
#10 - Dipplin
#11 - Hydrapple
#12 - Teal Mask Ogerpon
#13 - Ponyta
#14 - Rapidash
#15 - Ethan's Cyndaquil
#16 - Ethan's Quilava
#17 - Ethan's Typhlosion
#18 - Ethan's Slugma
#19 - Ethan's Magcargo
#20 - Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
#21 - Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon
#22 - Misty's Psyduck
#23 - Misty's Staryu
#24 - Misty's Starmie
#25 - Misty's Magikarp
#26 - Misty's Gyarados
#27 - Misty's Lapras
#28 - Cynthia's Feebas
#29 - Cynthia's Milotic
#30 - Buizel
#31 - Floatzel
#32 - Dondozo ex
#33 - Wellspring Mask Ogerpon
#34 - Electabuzz
#35 - Electivire ex
#36 - Ethan's Pichu
#37 - Electrike
#38 - Manectric
#39 - Rotom
#40 - Zeraora
#41 - Ethan's Sudowoodo
#42 - Cynthia's Gible
#43 - Cynthia's Gabite
#44 - Cynthia's Garchomp ex
#45 - Mudbray
#46 - Mudsdale
#47 - Arven's Toedscool
#48 - Arven's Toedscruel
#49 - Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon
#50 - Cynthia's Spiritomb
#51 - Arven's Maschiff
#52 - Arven's Mabosstiff ex
#53 - Tauros
#54 - Arven's Skwovet
#55 - Arven's Greedent
#56 - Sacred Ash
#57 - Arven's Sandwich
#58 - Switch
#59 - Pokémon Catcher
#60 - Cynthia's Power Weights
#61 - Emcee's Excitement
#62 - Judge
#63 - Ethan's Adventure
#64 - Yanma
#65 - Cynthia's Roserade
#66 - Shaymin
#67 - Crustle
#68 - Hydrapple
#69 - Rapidash
#70 - Ethan's Typhlosion
#71 - Misty's Psyduck
#72 - Misty's Lapras
#73 - Electrike
#74 - Rotom
#75 - Arven's Greedent
#76 - Yanmega
#77 - Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
#78 - Dondozo ex
#79 - Electivire ex
#80 - Cynthia's Garchomp ex
#81 - Arven's Mabosstiff ex
#82 - Emcee's Excitement
#83 - Judge
#84 - Ethan's Adventure
#85 - Yanmega ex
#86 - Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
#87 - Cynthia's Garchomp ex
#88 - Arven's Mabosstiff ex
#89 - Ethan's Adventure
#90 - Ethan's Ho-oh ex
#91 - Cynthia's Garchomp ex
#92 - Levincia City

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