Hot Air Arena

Cards 63 +11 Secret
Released Mar 14th 2025

Card List

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  1. 01 Ethan's Pinsir
  2. 02 Yanma
  3. 03 Yanmega ex
  4. 04 Cynthia's Roselia
  5. 05 Cynthia's Roserade
  6. 06 Shaymin
  7. 07 Dwebble
  8. 08 Crustle
  9. 09 Applin
  10. 10 Dipplin
  11. 11 Hydrapple
  12. 12 Teal Mask Ogerpon
  13. 13 Ponyta
  14. 14 Rapidash
  15. 15 Ethan's Cyndaquil
  16. 16 Ethan's Quilava
  17. 17 Ethan's Typhlosion
  18. 18 Ethan's Slugma
  19. 19 Ethan's Magcargo
  20. 20 Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
  21. 21 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon
  22. 22 Misty's Psyduck
  23. 23 Misty's Staryu
  24. 24 Misty's Starmie
  25. 25 Misty's Magikarp
  26. 26 Misty's Gyarados
  27. 27 Misty's Lapras
  28. 28 Cynthia's Feebas
  29. 29 Cynthia's Milotic
  30. 30 Buizel
  31. 31 Floatzel
  1. 32 Dondozo ex
  2. 33 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon
  3. 34 Electabuzz
  4. 35 Electivire ex
  5. 36 Ethan's Pichu
  6. 37 Electrike
  7. 38 Manectric
  8. 39 Rotom
  9. 40 Zeraora
  10. 41 Ethan's Sudowoodo
  11. 42 Cynthia's Gible
  12. 43 Cynthia's Gabite
  13. 44 Cynthia's Garchomp ex
  14. 45 Mudbray
  15. 46 Mudsdale
  16. 47 Arven's Toedscool
  17. 48 Arven's Toedscruel
  18. 49 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon
  19. 50 Cynthia's Spiritomb
  20. 51 Arven's Maschiff
  21. 52 Arven's Mabosstiff ex
  22. 53 Tauros
  23. 54 Arven's Skwovet
  24. 55 Arven's Greedent
  25. 56 Sacred Ash
  26. 57 Arven's Sandwich
  27. 58 Switch
  28. 59 Pokémon Catcher
  29. 60 Cynthia's Power Weights
  30. 61 Emcee's Excitement
  31. 62 Judge
  1. 63 Ethan's Adventure
  2. 64 Yanma
  3. 65 Cynthia's Roserade
  4. 66 Shaymin
  5. 67 Crustle
  6. 68 Hydrapple
  7. 69 Rapidash
  8. 70 Ethan's Typhlosion
  9. 71 Misty's Psyduck
  10. 72 Misty's Lapras
  11. 73 Electrike
  12. 74 Rotom
  13. 75 Arven's Greedent
  14. 76 Yanmega
  15. 77 Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
  16. 78 Dondozo ex
  17. 79 Electivire ex
  18. 80 Cynthia's Garchomp ex
  19. 81 Arven's Mabosstiff ex
  20. 82 Emcee's Excitement
  21. 83 Judge
  22. 84 Ethan's Adventure
  23. 85 Yanmega ex
  24. 86 Ethan's Ho-Oh ex
  25. 87 Cynthia's Garchomp ex
  26. 88 Arven's Mabosstiff ex
  27. 89 Ethan's Adventure
  28. 90 Ethan's Ho-oh ex
  29. 91 Cynthia's Garchomp ex
  30. 92 Levincia City
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