Twilight Masquerade

Cards 167 +59 Secret
Released May 24th 2024

Card List

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  1. 001 Tangela
  2. 002 Tangrowth
  3. 003 Pinsir
  4. 004 Spinarak
  5. 005 Ariados
  6. 006 Sunkern
  7. 007 Sunflora
  8. 008 Heracross
  9. 009 Volbeat
  10. 010 Illumise
  11. 011 Leafeon
  12. 012 Phantump
  13. 013 Trevenant
  14. 014 Grookey
  15. 015 Thwackey
  16. 016 Rillaboom
  17. 017 Applin
  18. 018 Dipplin
  19. 019 Iron Leaves
  20. 020 Poltchageist
  21. 021 Poltchageist
  22. 022 Sinistcha
  23. 023 Sinistcha ex
  24. 024 Teal Mask Ogerpon
  25. 025 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
  26. 026 Vulpix
  27. 027 Ninetales
  28. 028 Slugma
  29. 029 Magcargo ex
  30. 030 Torkoal
  31. 031 Chimchar
  32. 032 Monferno
  33. 033 Infernape
  34. 034 Darumaka
  35. 035 Darmanitan
  36. 036 Litwick
  37. 037 Lampent
  38. 038 Chandelure
  39. 039 Chi-Yu
  40. 040 Heartflame Mask Ogerpon ex
  41. 041 Poliwag
  42. 042 Poliwhirl
  43. 043 Poliwrath
  44. 044 Goldeen
  45. 045 Seaking
  46. 046 Jynx
  47. 047 Corphish
  48. 048 Crawdaunt
  49. 049 Feebas
  50. 050 Milotic
  51. 051 Snorunt
  52. 052 Glalie
  53. 053 Froslass
  54. 054 Glaceon
  55. 055 Phione
  56. 056 Froakie
  57. 057 Frogadier
  58. 058 Cramorant
  59. 059 Finizen
  60. 060 Palafin
  61. 061 Palafin ex
  62. 062 Iron Bundle
  63. 063 Walking Wake
  64. 064 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex
  65. 065 Zapdos
  66. 066 Shinx
  67. 067 Luxio
  68. 068 Luxray ex
  69. 069 Emolga
  70. 070 Helioptile
  71. 071 Heliolisk
  72. 072 Morpeko
  73. 073 Tadbulb
  74. 074 Bellibolt
  75. 075 Wattrel
  76. 076 Kilowattrel
  1. 077 Iron Thorns ex
  2. 078 Clefairy
  3. 079 Clefable
  4. 080 Abra
  5. 081 Kadabra
  6. 082 Alakazam
  7. 083 Girafarig
  8. 084 Farigiraf
  9. 085 Chimecho
  10. 086 Flabébé
  11. 087 Floette
  12. 088 Florges
  13. 089 Swirlix
  14. 090 Slurpuff
  15. 091 Sandygast
  16. 092 Palossand
  17. 093 Enamorus
  18. 094 Scream Tail ex
  19. 095 Munkidori
  20. 096 Fezandipiti
  21. 097 Sandshrew
  22. 098 Sandslash
  23. 099 Hisuian Growlithe
  24. 100 Hisuian Arcanine
  25. 101 Nosepass
  26. 102 Probopass
  27. 103 Timburr
  28. 104 Gurdurr
  29. 105 Conkeldurr
  30. 106 Greninja ex
  31. 107 Hawlucha
  32. 108 Glimmet
  33. 109 Glimmora
  34. 110 Ting-Lu
  35. 111 Okidogi
  36. 112 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex
  37. 113 Poochyena
  38. 114 Mightyena
  39. 115 Venipede
  40. 116 Whirlipede
  41. 117 Scolipede
  42. 118 Brute Bonnet
  43. 119 Skarmory
  44. 120 Aron
  45. 121 Lairon
  46. 122 Aggron
  47. 123 Heatran
  48. 124 Varoom
  49. 125 Revavroom
  50. 126 Applin
  51. 127 Dipplin
  52. 128 Dreepy
  53. 129 Drakloak
  54. 130 Dragapult ex
  55. 131 Tatsugiri
  56. 132 Farfetch'd
  57. 133 Chansey
  58. 134 Blissey ex
  59. 135 Eevee
  60. 136 Snorlax
  61. 137 Aipom
  62. 138 Ambipom
  63. 139 Ducklett
  64. 140 Swanna
  65. 141 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex
  66. 142 Accompanying Flute
  67. 143 Bug Catching Set
  68. 144 Caretaker
  69. 145 Carmine
  70. 146 Community Center
  71. 147 Cook
  72. 148 Enhanced Hammer
  73. 149 Festival Grounds
  74. 150 Handheld Fan
  75. 151 Hassel
  76. 152 Hyper Aroma
  1. 153 Jamming Tower
  2. 154 Kieran
  3. 155 Lana's Aid
  4. 156 Love Ball
  5. 157 Lucian
  6. 158 Lucky Helmet
  7. 159 Ogre's Mask
  8. 160 Perrin
  9. 161 Raifort
  10. 162 Scoop Up Cyclone
  11. 163 Secret Box
  12. 164 Survival Brace
  13. 165 Unfair Stamp
  14. 166 Boomerang Energy
  15. 167 Legacy Energy
  16. 168 Pinsir
  17. 169 Sunflora
  18. 170 Dipplin
  19. 171 Poltchageist
  20. 172 Torkoal
  21. 173 Infernape
  22. 174 Froslass
  23. 175 Phione
  24. 176 Cramorant
  25. 177 Heliolisk
  26. 178 Wattrel
  27. 179 Chimecho
  28. 180 Enamorus
  29. 181 Hisuian Growlithe
  30. 182 Probopass
  31. 183 Timburr
  32. 184 Lairon
  33. 185 Applin
  34. 186 Tatsugiri
  35. 187 Chansey
  36. 188 Eevee
  37. 189 Sinistcha ex
  38. 190 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
  39. 191 Magcargo ex
  40. 192 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex
  41. 193 Palafin ex
  42. 194 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex
  43. 195 Luxray ex
  44. 196 Iron Thorns ex
  45. 197 Scream Tail ex
  46. 198 Greninja ex
  47. 199 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex
  48. 200 Dragapult ex
  49. 201 Blissey ex
  50. 202 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex
  51. 203 Caretaker
  52. 204 Carmine
  53. 205 Hassel
  54. 206 Kieran
  55. 207 Lana's Aid
  56. 208 Lucian
  57. 209 Perrin
  58. 210 Sinistcha ex
  59. 211 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
  60. 212 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex
  61. 213 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex
  62. 214 Greninja ex
  63. 215 Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex
  64. 216 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex
  65. 217 Carmine
  66. 218 Kieran
  67. 219 Lana's Aid
  68. 220 Perrin
  69. 221 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
  70. 222 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex
  71. 223 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
  72. 224 Enhanced Hammer
  73. 225 Rescue Board
  74. 226 Luminous Energy
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