Vending Series 2 (Red)

This second batch of cards in the unofficial "Vending Series". The cards were peeled from sheets received via vending machines.
Cards 36
Released Jun 17th 1998

Card List

Collection Status
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#1 - Venomoth
#2 - Grimer
#3 - Koffing
#4 - Tangela
#5 - Moltres
#6 - Seel
#7 - Dewgong
#8 - Shellder
#9 - Krabby
#10 - Lapras
#11 - Omanyte
#12 - Articuno
#13 - Raichu
#14 - Magnemite
#15 - Magneton
#16 - Voltorb
#17 - Electabuzz
#18 - Zapdos
#19 - Jynx
#20 - Sandshrew
#21 - Machop
#22 - Machoke
#23 - Graveler
#24 - Onix
#25 - Marowak
#26 - Hitmonlee
#27 - Hitmonchan
#28 - Kabuto
#29 - Aerodactyl
#30 - Spearow
#31 - Fearow
#32 - Ditto
#33 - Flash
#34 - Master Ball
#35 - Max Revive
#36 - Guard Spec

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