XY BREAKthrough

The first set to feature new BREAK evolution pokemon, which gain an HP boost and get to keep the moves of the pokemon they BREAK evolved from.
Cards 162 +2 Secret
Released Nov 4th 2015

Card List

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  1. 001 Paras
  2. 002 Parasect
  3. 003 Pinsir
  4. 004 Cacnea
  5. 005 Pansage
  6. 006 Simisage
  7. 007 Chespin
  8. 008 Chespin
  9. 009 Chespin
  10. 010 Quilladin
  11. 011 Chesnaught
  12. 012 Chesnaught BREAK
  13. 013 Scatterbug
  14. 014 Spewpa
  15. 015 Vivillon
  16. 016 Skiddo
  17. 017 Gogoat
  18. 018 Cyndaquil
  19. 019 Quilava
  20. 020 Typhlosion
  21. 021 Houndoom EX
  22. 022 M Houndoom EX
  23. 023 Pansear
  24. 024 Simisear
  25. 025 Fennekin
  26. 026 Braixen
  27. 027 Goldeen
  28. 028 Seaking
  29. 029 Staryu
  30. 030 Starmie
  31. 031 Remoraid
  32. 032 Remoraid
  33. 033 Octillery
  34. 034 Glalie EX
  35. 035 M Glalie EX
  36. 036 Piplup
  37. 037 Prinplup
  38. 038 Empoleon
  39. 039 Snover
  40. 040 Abomasnow
  41. 041 Panpour
  42. 042 Simipour
  43. 043 Vanillite
  44. 044 Vanillish
  45. 045 Vanilluxe
  46. 046 Froakie
  47. 047 Frogadier
  48. 048 Pikachu
  49. 049 Raichu
  50. 050 Raichu BREAK
  51. 051 Magnemite
  52. 052 Magnemite
  53. 053 Magneton
  54. 054 Magnezone
  55. 055 Raikou
  1. 056 Stunfisk
  2. 057 Dedenne
  3. 058 Gastly
  4. 059 Haunter
  5. 060 Gengar
  6. 061 Mewtwo EX
  7. 062 Mewtwo EX
  8. 063 M Mewtwo EX
  9. 064 M Mewtwo EX
  10. 065 Misdreavus
  11. 066 Mismagius
  12. 067 Wobbuffet
  13. 068 Ralts
  14. 069 Kirlia
  15. 070 Cresselia
  16. 071 Woobat
  17. 072 Swoobat
  18. 073 Elgyem
  19. 074 Beheeyem
  20. 075 Sandshrew
  21. 076 Sandslash
  22. 077 Cubone
  23. 078 Marowak
  24. 079 Marowak BREAK
  25. 080 Swinub
  26. 081 Piloswine
  27. 082 Mamoswine
  28. 083 Hippopotas
  29. 084 Gallade
  30. 085 Meloetta
  31. 086 Pancham
  32. 087 Hawlucha
  33. 088 Cacturne
  34. 089 Zorua
  35. 090 Zorua
  36. 091 Zoroark
  37. 092 Zoroark BREAK
  38. 093 Inkay
  39. 094 Yveltal
  40. 095 Bronzor
  41. 096 Bronzong
  42. 097 Mr Mime
  43. 098 Snubbull
  44. 099 Granbull
  45. 100 Ralts
  46. 101 Flabebe
  47. 102 Floette
  48. 103 Florges
  49. 104 Florges BREAK
  50. 105 Spritzee
  51. 106 Aromatisse
  52. 107 Xerneas
  53. 108 Axew
  54. 109 Axew
  55. 110 Fraxure
  1. 111 Haxorus
  2. 112 Noivern
  3. 113 Noivern BREAK
  4. 114 Meowth
  5. 115 Doduo
  6. 116 Doduo
  7. 117 Dodrio
  8. 118 Snorlax
  9. 119 Hoothoot
  10. 120 Noctowl
  11. 121 Teddiursa
  12. 122 Ursaring
  13. 123 Smeargle
  14. 124 Swablu
  15. 125 Starly
  16. 126 Staravia
  17. 127 Staraptor
  18. 128 Chatot
  19. 129 Rufflet
  20. 130 Braviary
  21. 131 Noibat
  22. 132 Noibat
  23. 133 Assault Vest
  24. 134 Brigette
  25. 135 Buddy-Buddy Rescue
  26. 136 Fisherman
  27. 137 Float Stone
  28. 138 Giovanni's Scheme
  29. 139 Glalie Spirit Link
  30. 140 Heavy Ball
  31. 141 Heavy Boots
  32. 142 Houndoom Spirit Link
  33. 143 Judge
  34. 144 Mewtwo Spirit Link
  35. 145 Parallel City
  36. 146 Professor's Letter
  37. 147 Reserved Ticket
  38. 148 Skyla
  39. 149 Super Rod
  40. 150 Town Map
  41. 151 Burning Energy
  42. 152 Rainbow Energy
  43. 153 Houndoom EX
  44. 154 M Houndoom EX
  45. 155 Glalie EX
  46. 156 M Glalie EX
  47. 157 Mewtwo EX
  48. 158 Mewtwo EX
  49. 159 M Mewtwo EX
  50. 160 M Mewtwo EX
  51. 161 Brigette
  52. 162 Giovanni's Scheme
  53. 163 Mewtwo EX
  54. 164 Mewtwo EX
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